Copywriting for Travel Agents

Make more bookings. Earn more commissions. Save more time.


Travel agents have one of the hardest, but most rewarding jobs in the travel industry – listening to a dream and turning it into a magical vacation.

As a travel agent, you love giving your clients a flawless travel experience.

But – just as things were looking up for you, the entire world came to a grinding halt. You lost thousands of dollars in commissions.

Thankfully, the travel world crept back to something sort of like normal.

Let’s face it – even though we seem to have recovered from the dreaded pandemic, there are still so many questions surrounding travel agents.

Your clients are turning to online sources, looking for answers and peace of mind for their vacations.

You aren’t sure what to address first. You’re faced with things like online booking websites, people asking the same 20 questions over and over again, and not understanding how you take their getaway from great to phenomenal. (Goodbye, Expedia!)

Here’s the thing – to succeed as a travel agent, you need a solid online presence that can reach your ideal audience and turn them into long-lasting clients.

A solid presence like:

  • A blog to educate readers and to answer some of those 20 questions.

  • An email list to engage both with loyal clients and those on the fringe.

  • A strong social media presence where you can teach some of your expertise as well as share some travel sunshine.

You worked hard to establish yourself as a travel agent – you don’t have time to fuss over creating the perfect online presence.

And that’s where I come in.

I’m Emily, an expert copywriter for travel agents. As a former travel agent, I know how hard it is to wear all the hats you’re wearing right now.

From my experience, I also know how important it is to showcase your skills for your clients so they truly understand what it is you do.

When you don’t have to worry about creating content, you’ll have more time to focus on learning about exciting destinations and up-to-date travel news to so you can continue booking fabulous vacation.

As more and more people turn to travel as a way of escaping the daily grind, your expertise needs to be there, ready for them to turn to.

Working with me to build your online presence means you can:

  • Have content that does the selling for you so you don’t have to lift a finger.

  • Build trust with your readers with fascinating content they’re excited to read.

  • Make more meaningful client connections so you can continue to build your business.

  • Have an astounding ROI from content that continues to work for you as time goes on.

Travelers need you. Let’s tell them what you have to offer!

Ready to take your travel agency to the next level? Book your free call with me today to find out how you can have all the things in your biz.

Then pack your bags and go on a real vacation – not a FAM trip. You deserve it!



Hey, I’m Emily.

I’m a travel agent turned expert copywriter for travel agents.

I grew up in the Heartland among waving cornfields and rolling hills. I still live here surrounded by my large (and rather noisy) family.

I know that time away is vital for everyone, especially in the hustle culture we live in today. I’m passionate about helping travel agents find time for themselves while still booking epic vacations for their clients.

As a travel agent, I learned a lot as I dove into the world of travel. Things like how exhausting it is to put together a beautiful itinerary and have your client ghost you. Or how to write my own view on a destination instead of reposting my suppliers’ information.

I loved creating vacations, but as time moved on, I realized… I think I enjoy writing about travel more than I do planning it!

My journey from travel agent to copywriter for travel agents proved to me how important it is to have a support team to back you up. Planning a vacation for a client is time-consuming, no matter how much you love doing it.

From following ever-changing rules to sending out your monthly newsletter, it gets overwhelming.

I know. I’ve been there.

Now, as a copywriter for travel agents, I can help you create the content I didn’t have time to write, but so desperately needed as a travel agent.

I couldn’t be more excited to share this journey with you!

You make the world a better place and I’m thrilled to help you make it even better for you and your clients.

Click the button below to book a free 20-minute call with me where we can talk about my plan to help you avoid failure and gain success.

Rave Reviews From Happy Clients


“Excellent. Honestly. I love the conversational tone, the flow, and the underlying energy.”

L. J., Eco-Friendly Glamping Expert

"Emily not only helped me produce creative content but she also wrote beautiful newsletters for me. She also put together a stunning lead magnet for me. She went above and beyond to help me set up my email platform.”

— Holly Malloy, Luxury Travel Advisor at All the Places Travel

Rates and Services

Long-term travel clients begin with a good relationship.

Build your client relationship through empathetic and discerning copy. Copy designed to make them feel safe.

Copy that earns you more money and establishes your authority in the travel industry. 

Take a peek at my individual services and my signature bundles below!

Keep scrolling to find out how to skyrocket your travel business!

 Signature Copy Bundles


Do you want regular blog posts or newsletters but don’t worry about whether you’ve set up your monthly content?

Choose one of my bundle options below for a headache-free journey towards success!

  • The Kick-Off Bundle (1-time investment)

    In this kick-off bundle, you’ll receive all the marketing tools you need to build a cohesive online presence. With the perfect blend of Google-friendly blog posts, an engaging welcome email sequence, discerning social media posts, and more, this bundle is truly the whole package! Click the button below to find out more.

  • The Standard Social Bundle (1-month investment)

    This bundle helps you share your travel knowledge with the world through Google-friendly blog posts, weekly newsletters, and frequent engaging social posts. The perfect transition from the Kick-Off Bundle, this monthly bundle will leave you feeling energized knowing that leads are coming in even during those slower travel spells! Follow the button below to find out more.

  • The Mini Social Bundle (1-month investment)

    A smaller version of The Standard Bundle, this compact little bundle offers a consistent approach to content marketing. It gives you the essentials you need to entice your clients into booking that dream vacation they’ve always had on their bucket list and maintain your online presence. Click the button below to find out more

  • Travel Copywriting Consults – $150 for 1 hour

    Do you ever wish you had someone to talk to about your business – someone who understands the ins and outs of working as a travel agent? I totally get it. Running your own business is hard. Having worked as a travel agent myself, I know how hard it can be to get everything just right. That’s why I offer a 1-hour consultation for travel agents. So YOU can succeed the way you deserve! Click the button below to read more.


 Individual Services

Guest Posts I’ve Written


How to Travel Cheap: 7 Fool-Proof Strategies you Need to Know

You don’t need to be rich to travel. Follow these simple money-saving travel hacks for your most thrilling adventure yet!

How to Write a Killer Blog Post for Massive Conversions

Does blogging overwhelm you? You’ll never have to feel that again after reading these blogging tips from my guest post with Kulfi Culture!


Hot off the Presses

Blog posts to help take your writing from blah to wow.

Contact Me

Have questions about working with a travel copywriter? Perfect! Fill out the form below and ask me as many questions as you need to.

I’d love to hear from you!

Travel Copywriting Emails

Want to improve your writing? Or find out how you can trade your headache for success?

Click the button below to sign up for these hot tips!

Plus, you’ll receive a FREE content planner as a thank-you gift. This little guy helps you easily come up with topics to write about throughout the week – easy-peasy!