What Exactly is a Travel Copywriter? Here's Everything you Need to Know

Do you need a travel copywriter?

Do you need a travel copywriter?

It takes a lot of work to stand out as a travel agent in an online world of oversaturated travel content.

With travel resources readily available from the tap of the finger a travel agent's need to stand out becomes even more necessary. Apps and websites are there 24/7 to book a flight or an Airbnb – but people don’t realize the extra support and dash of a personal touch they’re missing.  

As a travel copywriter and former travel agent, I have a unique perspective on both sides of the market. 

The work I do for my clients includes useful travel topics for your audience, like tips on how to pack for a honeymoon to Paris or your personal favorite all-inclusive resorts around the world. Everything is crafted to promote you and your travel business.

That’s all well and good, but what do I DO? Find out in the next section:

What Exactly Does a Travel Copywriter Do?

Have you ever read an article that made you laugh or cry? Or an email that made you want to buy a face cream for your newly developed crows’ feet? Those pieces of content, my friend, were written by a copywriter.

A travel copywriter is a word magician, pulling out the feelings, scents, and sounds of Mykonos and crafting them into an experience like no other – all on paper. 

Like painting, writing is an art. 

In order to create descriptive writing that books you more clients, I’ve discovered a few marketing techniques – like how to tap into your audience’s mind so your content reflects their feelings or concerns. 

In order to do this, I find out who your ideal audience is. This is an essential step in crafting content for your travel business. Selling to everybody doesn’t work very well – your audience is too broad to target effectively. I help you narrow your audience down to those clients you really want to work with, the ones who make you feel happy about showing up every morning.

Writing is my main job, but there’s so much more to copywriting than that. To make sure your content is seen by your ideal audience and converts them into clients, I spend a lot of time researching. 

Every sentence has a purpose. Every bold or italicized word is essential. Everything I write for you is geared toward bringing in more leads – all while you sleep.

It’s easy to get lost in writing about the specifications of a destination. While sharing travel deals is great, your readers really want to hear how that particular destination deal will benefit them. Will it calm them after the last hectic six months? Will it be adventurous enough to satisfy the biggest adrenaline junkie?

I help you share your knowledge and expertise all while promoting your services. 

This brings me to my next point: Why you should work with a travel copywriter.

Why Should I Work With a Travel Copywriter?

As a former travel agent, I learned how important it is to write descriptive, engaging copy. Now, as a travel copywriter, I understand how to blend the worlds of marketing and travel in a cohesive, tantalizing way. 

Creating a cohesive online presence is an important part of every travel agent's business. To successfully attract new clients and keep return clients educated, you need to maintain a powerful and vibrant presence. No matter what your goals are, you need to do this!

When we work together, I listen to you, I learn your client’s pain points, your unique views on travel, and I research your target audience. Why?  To help draw in more clients that are excited to have you plan their vacations and to show them the value you have to offer. You’re WAY better than Expedia! 

I aim to help you gain more engagement from your online presence and land your ideal clients. Not only land more clients but help you give them such a fantastic experience that they can’t wait to come back for more. I’m here to help you be the best in your field.

So how do I do this? I draw on my experience as a travel agent and my understanding of the travel market to help you create an impressive and comprehensive online presence.

All with the intent of bringing in new leads for you while you sleep. You won’t have to lift a finger!

Copywriting for Travel Agents who Want to Find Success

Travel is one hobby that’ll never die. We’ll always have it with us (Yay!). As a travel advisor, agent, or planner, you realize how vital descriptive writing is for encouraging clients to book with you. 

Travel copywriting isn’t like medical copywriting – we don’t write factual copy about kidney cancer or product descriptions for vitamins. Rather, we write to make your readers feel. Travel is all about experiences, memories, and good feelings. 

With our whole world published on the world wide web these days, it’s crucial for you to have a strong online presence.

This is why it’s essential for you to create fascinating content.

Use these things to help you stay present while selling travel:


Starting a travel blog can look like a lot of work but with my help, you’ll begin drawing in leads in no time. A mixture of sales, Google-friendly formatting, and captivating descriptions blend together to create blog posts that build trust with your readers, establish you as an authority, and make your audience excited to plan their next getaway with you.


Sometimes those annoying tire kickers are simply scared to hand their money over to you. They don’t know enough about you to trust you. To avoid this, make sure to have an email list where they can sign up. Your audience wants to read around 13 pieces of content before they feel like they can trust you. That’s a lot of content! I’ll help you create a truly welcoming welcome sequence for new subscribers and to send out an email or newsletter at least once a month. This will advertise your services, showcase your expertise, and share new blog posts to increase your website traffic – All while building client trust.

Lead Magnets

How do you get people to sign up for your newsletters? You create a stunning freebie to draw them in. This free gift is usually a fun packing checklist or mini ebook for busy moms who aren’t sure how they’ll survive their first flight as a family. With my sales and travel knowledge, plus your personal expertise, we’ll create an amazing freebie for your new email subscribers that’ll build their trust in you even more.  

Social Media

Maintaining an online presence is key in keeping your ideal audience interested in your business and the services you offer. Use social media as a platform to share your knowledge in a way that makes a vacation irresistible to your readers. You can refer back to your blog posts or even share a link for them to sign up for your emails. I’ll help you craft social posts to make idle scrollers sit up and take notice. 

Copywriting for travel agents is my absolute favorite thing to do. I love making a travel destination tangible to your clients as they relax in their sweatpants at home.

It’s vital for you to work with a travel copywriter who’s also passionate about travel. As someone who’s worked in the travel industry, I understand you and your audience. I know how to research and how to provide your audience with the best information. I also know how rough it’s been on you since the pandemic made its way into our lives.

I care about YOU!

Your travel business is your life. You love what you do. You love how it fulfills you as you help people experience the world in a way they’d never be able to if you didn't help them.

I know how exciting it is to work on a vacation for a client. Sometimes it’s scary, sometimes it’s fun, sometimes it’s a headache. But it’s what you love. 

I also know how important it is to build a relationship with your clients. It scares them to spend their hard-earned money on a vacation. They need to know if they can trust you – and I help you accomplish this through content that answers their questions and calms their fears. 

Travel copywriters love what you love. I’m thrilled to help you book more clients and keep all your favorite ones coming back for more through persuasive writing. 

I’m thrilled to help you achieve your wildest dreams.

I care about you and your business. I want you to attract more clients and to be successful. 

YOU are worth my time!

I love writing for travel agents, and I’m excited to write for you. If you value your time and your clients, you should consider working with a travel copywriter (like me) to take the load off your shoulders.

Are you ready to stop sliding down the slippery slope of content creation and work with someone who can make your life easier while making you more money?

Book a free 20-minute call with me today if you’d like to skyrocket your way to success. Don’t wait – my calendar fills up fast!


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