The Standard Social Bundle (1-month investment)

Life is crazy. You feel like the more you hustle, the more your workload grows. 

It’s exhausting, I know.

This bundle helps you share your travel knowledge with the world through Google-friendly blog posts, weekly newsletters, and frequent engaging social posts. The perfect transition from the Kick-Off Bundle, this monthly bundle will leave you feeling energized knowing that leads are coming in even during those slower travel spells!

The value this bundle offers:

Building rapport in your business is one of the most important things you could ever do. The standard bundle helps you create a solid rapport of online material for would-be clients.

Did you know the average online consumer needs to read around 13 pieces of content before they trust you enough to even think about working with you? 

This bundle provides you with enough material to keep your business relevant and engaging so would-be clients book their vacation through you without a sliver of doubt!

Who the standard bundle is for:

This bundle isn’t for those who want instant success, but for those travel leaders who know their money lies in steady growth. It’s for those who want to share the value they have to offer so they’re the advisor everyone turns to for their travel needs.

With consistent Google-friendly blog posts, you’ll build a solid number of faithful followers who appreciate what you have to offer. They’ll be excited to hand over their next vacation to your capable hands because you’ve proven your value.

What you’ll get:

4 Google-friendly blog posts

  • Each blog post comes formatted to engage Google bots and your readers

  • Strong CTAs ask for your readers to reach out

4 Newsletters

  • Written to engage with your readers about destinations, cultural experiences, and travel tips

  • Each newsletter links back to your new blog posts, boosting traffic to your website

12 Social media blurbs

  • With three posts per week, your social presence will continue to grow

  • One post per week links back to your new blog

  • One post per month asks your readers to subscribe to your newsletters

  • The rest are designed to increase engagement through fun, informative content

Investment: $1,960 Bundle Price: $1,760

You save $200 when you book the bundle option!

How the standard bundle works:

After a quick get-to-know-you chat to make sure we’re a good fit for each other, we’ll schedule a strategy call to go over all the details for your month of content. Planning an entire month of content can look overwhelming, but with my process, you’ll find it a breeze to work through!

Bring your topic ideas to the call, and I’ll bring my ideas and recommendations based on the current travel market. Together, we’ll come up with a plan that’s sure to wow your readers!

Looking for a done-for-you bundle? Ask about my online management services!