Emily Grice Writes

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What is SEO? How Rogue Turkeys Hold Your Answer

So you want to learn more about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). 

Well, my friend, settle in and let me tell you a story to help you understand.


Things weren’t going the way they were supposed to. I had to run my dad around to different auto body shops when all I wanted to do was stay home and write.

I was settling down to a nice, long writing sesh when my sister called me. Her eight turkeys were out meandering down our gravel road. She was leaving for work. Would I go round them up for her?

Sure, Abi, why not?

Mom grabbed a broom and I found a long stick in our brush pile. We marched down our gravel road, a formidable pair.

The turkeys were farther down the road than we’d anticipated and to top it off, they were in the deepest section of the ditch.

Of course. 

The sides of the ditch were too steep to climb down. We didn’t want to clamber around in the weeds and risk getting ticks or any other unpleasant critters in our clothes, either.

Why did those stupid turkeys choose today of all days to get out? And why, in heaven’s name, did they hide in the deepest ditch around? 

We looked scary and witchlike out there in the heat with the wind blowing our hair around. To top off the illusion, we were shouting and beating the grass in the ditch in a vain effort to flush the turkeys out.

Mom decided to get a bucket of feed to try and lure them out. 

Our Corgi, Riley, tried chasing them out, but to no avail. I decided to throw caution to the already strong wind and climb down in there.

I scrambled down the steep ditch wall through the bug-laden grass and into the gooey mud at the bottom. Yuck. 

As soon as I tried to herd the turkeys in the RIGHT direction, they (obviously) went the other way. Down they skulked into the culvert where I wasn’t about to go.

Riley chased them back, and we began a slow and cautious ascent back out of the muddy ditch.

Things were going along famously. Until a big truck and livestock trailer came by. The driver was kind and slowed down, but not enough for the turkeys’ comfort. 

Instead of running along in the ditch, they ran into the nearby soybean field. Why? Because the easy route isn’t an option for turkeys.

By this time I was mad. I mean to my chagrin, I was hopping mad. 

I chased those birds right up to their fence, expecting them to fly over the way they got out.

But no. That’s way too easy.

They huddled up alongside the fence, burrowing deeper into the tall grass and weeds.

Mom had arrived by this time, so with me grabbing turkeys by tails, necks, wings, or whatever I could get ahold of, we pitched them back over the fence.

With beat-up arms from their huge wings, muddy feet, and stinging nettle on our legs, we trudged back to the house to wash the grime and pollen off in a cool shower.

Stupid birds.

So. What do turkeys and SEO have in common?

Read on, my friend.

Every writers’ biggest question –– What is SEO?

Photo Credit: Merakist

What is SEO?

Like my sister’s turkeys, you’re stuck in the ditch called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It’s a deep ditch, filled with creepy-crawlies and scary, dark holes.

SEO is confusing with its wealth of information and Google’s ever-changing algorithms.

Pssst! Hey, you!

I’ll let you in on a little secret, you only need to know the basics of SEO to get by.

SEO is the use of certain words in your website or blog to help searchers find you on Google.

That’s the kid-friendly explanation (‘cause I’m simple like that).

Using SEO increases the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search results.

When your website ranks on page one of Google, and especially if it ranks in the first three results, you earn the trust of the Googler. 

But is it really necessary to rank high on Google?

Why is website ranking important?

Google ranking has a powerful effect on your site’s visibility. Ranking high provides you with credibility and authority with readers. 

Plus, it generates free leads. No need to pay for Google ads anymore.

Your website ranking and credibility create more traffic as you become a trusted source. Once you implement basic SEO practices, Google takes it from there. As time goes on, it builds momentum with continued ranking.

This, in turn, increases traffic to your website. 

More traffic = more money made.

Simple as that.

Did you know search results on the second page of Google only attract an astonishing 0.78% of traffic? That’s bad, my friend!

A staggering 75% of searchers never scroll past the first page of results.


Now do you see why SEO is important?

Google algorithms like fresh content.

To maintain your coveted first-page standing, you’ll need to continue working on posting quality, SEO friendly content.

Blogs provide the perfect opportunity for fresh content and SEO usage.

So blog to your heart’s content!

What does SEO keyword research look like for me?

So, what are SEO keywords?

“SEO optimized keywords” are words or phrases your target audience is searching for. 

If you’re writing a blog post about resorts in Aruba, search “best Aruba resorts.” Look at the suggested searches at the bottom of your page to get ideas for other keywords.

Or, when you write a post with travel tips for family vacations. Start by searching for something like “family-friendly all-inclusive resorts.” 

Your goal as a travel professional is to provide your clients with the information they need. That’s why you find out what they’re searching for.

How do you implement this knowledge once you have it?

Here are a few ways to optimize your website or blog for effective SEO.

  1. Write catchy headlines

You only have a few seconds to catch your reader’s attention. Your headline is the perfect place to do so. Try CoSchedule’s headline analyzer for free to find out if your headline is captivating.

2. Easy to read formatting

Your copy needs to accommodate all types of readers – the skimmer, the digger, and the casual reader. Make sub-headlines clear and self-explanatory. Use bold and italics to emphasize your points. When making a list, number the items, or use bullet points.

3. Cite trust-worthy websites

If you’re going to quote a travel website, choose high-quality industry-leaders like Travel + Leisure, Travel Weekly, and Travel Pulse to backlink. Google appreciates this.

4. Write high-quality copy

Stuffing your article or webpage full of keywords doesn’t work like it used to. You need solid, well-written, and compelling copy. Google notices when your website is well-liked and will rank you higher.

5. Watch your word count

A blog post of fewer than 1000 words doesn’t rank as well. Website word counts should be 300-900 per page. But like I mentioned, there’s no exact science. No one knows for certain how Google works. Longer copy is also more effective for informative writing and 76.8% more likely to be shared by your readers.

6. Short sentences

Keep your sentence length short and snappy. While you smile in pride over your complex sentence, your reader moves elsewhere for less complicated reading. 

Google is your website’s best friend. Take advantage of that.

Photo Credit: Morning Brew Unsplash

Tools for keyword research

Now that you have a better understanding of creating an SEO optimized article or web page, let’s talk about SEO tools.

My personal favorite, Ubersuggest, is a free keyword research tool created by the amazing Neil Patel. Type in a keyword or a competitor’s domain and watch the magic unfold.

Neil also offers a free SEO audit for your website. Create a project using your website domain and give it some time to crawl your site. It’ll tell you what keywords you rank for, how many backlinks you have, and any SEO problems on there. Super fun and eye-opening.

You’ll enjoy Neil’s Ubersuggest Google Chrome extension. It’s one of the easiest tools out there for keyword research. Install it on your Chrome browser and have keywords at your fingertips for every Google search you make.

Turkeys and SEO marketing

As you read, SEO is an amazing, free marketing resource for your website. It’s a gift that keeps on giving. Add it to your website and blog posts. Watch your organic traffic grow over time as Google recognizes you as a leader in your niche.

Remember, SEO isn’t an exact science. You only need to know the basics to help boost your website ranking on Google.

Give SEO keyword research a shot.

Don’t muck around in the SEO ditch like my sister’s turkeys did in our roadside ditch.

It’s easy to get stuck and confused in the SEO turkey ditch. It’s a muddy, bewildering place down there.

If you simply can’t figure it out, I’m here for you.

Like farmer has the equipment and skills to get his critters out of a ditch, a copywriter can help you climb out of your SEO ditch.

Let’s do this. Together.