3 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Blog

If you’re here, chances are you’re curious about starting a blog for your travel agency. 

It can look overwhelming – the thought of writing a post every week. But you’ll find it’s one of the most rewarding online marketing tools you’ll ever use.

How are blogs useful, you ask?

How are blogs useful, you ask?

What is the purpose of a blog?

You’re an expert in the travel industry. You hold a vast amount of knowledge on travel topics and destinations. 

You ask yourself, why not start a blog? Blogging is an excellent avenue for getting your knowledge out to the public. 

Sharing your expertise helps to connect you with your current clients and potential clients by answering questions and dispelling fears. Building trust through your blog should be a key element to your travel agency’s website.

You can make a difference in someone’s life through blogging about travel. Your post on family-friendly resorts in Costa Rica might be the tipping point for a family’s vacation decision. Or your blog post on “what to know for your first international flight” might be the key to an over-anxious traveler. 

YOU can improve your client’s travel experience simply through blogging.

Travel agents and travel professionals get asked a bazillion questions on a daily basis. 

  • How much does a Disney vacation cost? 

  • How do I apply for a passport? 

  • Where should I take my money for the best exchange rate? 

When you answer their questions through your blog posts, you appeal to their emotions. Your blog says, in essence, “Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. You can trust us.”

Blogs are an awesome way to promote your travel agency. As I mentioned above, when you share experiences and information with readers it goes a long way towards building their trust in you. They sit up and take notice – you know what you’re talking about. 

Keep this in mind – blogging is a compilation of thoughts, facts, and expert opinions. But don’t get bogged down in the details. Enjoy yourself. Blogging is fun!

Be creative and let your inner talent shine through your posts.

why every business should blog

Why is blogging important for your business?

You ask why blogs are so important for your travel agency? Did you know most travelers look at 3-5 pieces of content (blog posts or webpages) before deciding on whether they should plan their vacation with you? 

Having a blog gives clients the chance to see what you offer – tangible proof that you do indeed plan excellent vacations.

Consistent blog posts generate more traffic for your website, which in turn brings in more potential leads. When you post on a regular basis, Google takes notice. But consistency isn’t everything. 

Google’s algorithm loves fresh content that is rich in search engine optimization (SEO). Incorporate SEO rich keywords or keyphrases into your posts. These are words or phrases added to your post to improve search engine rankings for those terms. Choose keywords or phrases based on search volume and competition. (Try Neil Patel’s free SEO keyword resource, Ubersuggest.)

Be consistent and thorough in your blog posts. 

Add value to your clients’ experience by always providing relevant information. Never let them leave your blog empty-handed.

Still not convinced? Here are three reasons why you should blog:

  • Businesses that publish regular content receive 8x more traffic.

  • Blogging helps reduce marketing expenditure by more than 60%.

  • Blogging helps achieve 3x more leads.

The benefits of blogging for marketing

We’ve touched on how a blog helps promote your travel agency. And really, it’s your best marketing asset. Why? Because it’s free advertising. 

No need to pay for ads anymore.

Use your blog to showcase your services. Post about travel package deals or insanely affordable airline prices. If you specialize in a certain area or country, write about its little known facts.

When you blog, try to link internally to other relevant pages on your website. These links are not only great for on-page-SEO, but also lead your website visitor down the path of becoming a potential booking lead.

The idea here is to introduce potential clients to different aspects of your travel agency through your blog.

Include a Call to Action (CTA). Give your readers specific instructions on how they can contact you for more information. Tell them what they need to do. Offer a free consultation or a free download when they sign up for your newsletter. Sweeten the deal, but don’t sales pitch them.

Looking for more marketing tips? Click here to read more!

Looking for more marketing tips? Click here to read more!

The benefits of blogging don’t end here

We talked about only a few benefits of blogging for your travel agency. But there are many more reasons to keep a consistent blog.

More and more travel businesses are relying on blogs to generate leads. Blogs are the new way of communicating with your target audience while gaining more website traffic.

Create useful content that helps your readers. Your blog is a powerful online marketing tool. Use it wisely.

You’ll be amazed at how quickly your blog turns your travel agency into a booming business.

Feeling overwhelmed by blogging? Contact me to set up a free consultation!


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